As well as being known as ‘Little Athens’, Pietrasanta is also known as an ‘open-air museum’, since in every alley, square and street it is possible to admire beautiful sculptures. The town has established itself as a centre of international interest for art and sculpture, and there are numerous events and exhibitions dedicated to them.

“Meccano” is the new temporary exhibition in Pietrasanta by the eclectic artist Tano Pisano, in which sculpture and painting come together.
The artist’s works will be on display in eight locations in the town: the façade of the Church of Sant’Agostino, Piazza del Duomo, the Church and cloister of Sant’Agostino, the Sala dei Putti e del Capitolo, Piazza Carducci and the shop window in Piazza Duomo.
For more information ⇒ click here

Dal 20-11-2021 al 06-04-2022
Finalmente riparte la programmazione teatrale a Pietrasanta!
Per maggiori informazioni ecco i contatti :
Teatro Comunale Pietrasanta
Piazza Duomo 14, 55045 Pietrasanta (LU)
tel. 0584 795511 –
Orari di apertura: due giorni prima di ogni rappresentazione in orario 17-19; il giorno dello spettacolo dalle ore 17 in poi. Fonte Comune di Pietrasanta